SelectMedia Collaborates with BusinessInsider.In; ranked #8 most popular Finance website in India

SelectMedia is proud to announce the collaboration with Business Insider India. With more than 11 million monthly visitors, Business  Insider India is ranked #8 most popular Finance website in India according to SimilarWeb.


 Business Insider India, is the Indian edition of Business Insider (BI) – the fastest growing business news website around the globe. At BI India readers get amazing synergy between India and its foreign counterpart – News that has great appeal and relevance for Indian readers, coming in round the clock from more than 50 journalists in the US newsroom, and access to in-depth features and articles written in the US, along with strong narratives from our country – developed, analyzed and presented in hallmark BI style.

Business Insider India has a mix of cutting edge business and technology happenings, entrepreneurial initiatives, creative exchanges, lifestyle concepts and leadership insights. The Indian edition features the country’s business heavyweights, ranging from start-ups to veterans across industries. Over that, they also cater to advances in the Indian technology space, automobiles, gadgets and sports.

Business Insider India implemented SelectMedia’s unique ad unit, ‘Outstream – Bottom Sticky’ to offer great KPI’s such as 90% viewability and +85% completion for video advertising. 

About Businessinsider.In (By SimilarWeb)

* Category: Finance.
Country Rank: #476 in IN.

* Country Category Rank: #8.
* >11M monthly visits.

* >26M monthly page views.

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